750+ Studies About the Dangers of the COVID-19 Injections
Dr. Fauci: "when you are vaccinated, you are not at risk"
MSNBC Rachel Maddow about covid vaccines:
"If The US President, the media, experts and Top US virologist Dr. Fauci say it, then it must be true..." "It's science!!"
The mind-blowing Covid vaccine lies in a row! :
8) (almost) No transmission
Docu "Vaxxed 3 Authorized to kill"

"It's Science... "
"Trust the Science..."
"Don't question Science... "
β Proof That Rothschilds Patented Covid-19 Biometric Tests in 2015 and 2017 β Both were filed and updated years ago, but they were SCHEDULED to be made public in September 2020 β This is sufficient evidence that they knew in 2015 what's going to happen in September 2020! First Registration: Netherlands, Oct. 13, 2015 β It's the crime of the century βPatent Website: copy/past this url in your browser:

Pfizer claims no one was forced to get the Jab π€‘π€‘
Died Suddenly Docu :
Shot Dead The Movie (myorcarditis)
The Truth about Covid:
Famous people collapsing
1226 Young Athletes "Died Suddenly" 2022 Compilation:
Why Younger Vaccinated People Are Dying From Exercise -Dr. Richard Urso, MD:
1000 peer reviewed articles on "Vaccine" injuries:
Dec 19, 2022 Ryan:"I got the COVID vaccine before most could as healthcare provider and emergency manager implementing many of the policies of the "covidians". Days after I was transported to the hospital with cardiac issue. Today I'm in heart failure."
9 jan. 2023 Ryan: "I wish I was a COVID conspiracy theorist early on instead if getting vaccinated. I'm in heart failure. The conspiracy theorists are doing just fine."
Jan 16, 2023 Ryan: "@realstewpeters is correct It was deployed as a bioweapon."
boy has a side effect at the Covid 19 vaccination clinic:

Bayer Chief Stefan OelrichIf during the World Health Summit October 2021: "If we had asked people two years ago whether they were willing to have gene or cell therapy injected, 95 percent would probably have refused.". mRNA is still experimental.
Docu Plandemic 1 hour
Docu Plandemic 2
Docu Plandemic 3:

How did they pull off the pandemic? David Icke

Covid will stay here for years and years:
WHO (World Health Organization): "A Vaccine on its own will not end the Covid19 Pandemic!!"