Chip stimulate your pleasure center (Dopamine)
- Treat mental illnesses and cognitive disorders.
- We know it's working on a chip designed to be surgically inserted into the human skull called a brain-computer interface (BCI)
- But more than one researcher has explored the idea of stimulating the brain's pleasure centres directly, allowing people to do without drugs or alcohol to achieve pleasurable sensations.
- Dr Stuart Meloy developed a device in 2001 that was playfully dubbed "The Orgasmatron". It was designed as a pain management system but, as he told New Scientist: "I was placing the electrodes and suddenly the woman started exclaiming emphatically. "I asked her what was up and she said, 'You're going to have to teach my husband to do that'." Dr Stuart Meloy had accidentally given the woman an orgasm by connecting the electrodes of his pain management system to the right spot on her spine. According to Dr. Meloy he would have needed over six million dollars for the testing required to bring his "Orgamatron" to market and "that's money I don't have right now," he said. But for Musk, money isn't a problem.
- "The device is the use of a pre-existing device called a spinal cord stimulator," he said. "Instead of treating chronic pain with the stimulator, we're treating orgasmic dysfunction," Meloy said.
- WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., Nov. 9, 2004 -- -- While Dr. Stuart Meloy was working on a new device to treat chronic pain, he was surprised to discover it could also bring pleasure to his female patients. While Meloy, an anesthesiologist and pain specialist in Winston-Salem, was putting an electrode into the spine of a female patient with chronic back pain, the woman reported a decrease in her pain and a delightful, but very unexpected, side effect.